Annual Exams and Physicals
Stay Proactive with Your Health
Annual exams and physicals are an excellent way to stay proactive with your overall health. Our providers will take a comprehensive look at your health, evaluate your ongoing medical issues and recommend immunizations and screenings for your unique needs. We also offer Medicare Wellness visits.
Age-Appropriate Health Screenings
Every person’s health is unique. Due to a variety of individual factors, you may not follow this exact schedule:
- Adults age 18-40: physical exams every other year
- Adults age 40+: annual physical exams
- Women age 21+: Pap test annually to detect cervical cancer
- Women age 45+: mammogram every 1-2 years
- Men age 50+: prostate cancer screening
- Adults age 50-75: colorectal cancer screening
Possible Tests During Physical Exams
- Blood pressure
- Cholesterol
- Diabetes (if your blood pressure is 140/80 mm Hg or higher, if you are overweight or if you have a family history of diabetes)
- Chest x-ray
- Spirometry (breathing)
We may also make referrals for mammograms, colonoscopies and bone density scans.
Medicare Wellness Visits
Wellness visits are included for individuals who have had Medicare Part B for 12 months or longer. These annual check-ups are designed to monitor your health and even include a Health Risk Assessment so a unique prevention plan can be devised for you. During the visit, our staff will:
- Review your medical/family history
- Perform routine checks of your height, weight and blood pressure
- Perform health screenings such as bone density, cardiovascular, diabetes, hepatitis B or C, HIV, mammograms, lung cancer, obesity, prostate or colorectal cancer, etc.
- Administer flu, hepatitis B and pneumococcal shots
- Identify signs of cognitive impairment
- Review your current medical prescriptions
- Share your risk factors for developing diseases or conditions
- Provide counseling for tobacco, alcohol or drug abuse
- Create a personalized health plan for you
We encourage you to take advantage of your Medicare Wellness Visits. You’ve earned the right to receive this medical care.
Adult Immunizations
- Influenza: seasonal flu vaccine. This is typically available October – January and recommended every year for everyone age 6 months and older. This is especially important for people who are at a higher risk of developing complications from the flu: adults over age 65, children under age 2, pregnant women, people with heart or lung disease, liver or kidney disorders, those who live in nursing homes or long-term care facilities, American Indians, those with weak immune systems and more.
- TDaP: Tetanus, Diphtheria and acellular Pertussis (whooping cough). The national guidelines now call for everyone over the age of 11 up to the age of 65 to be reimmunized against whooping cough using this combination.
- GARDASIL®9: Human Papillomavirus 9-valent. We strongly recommend this important vaccine for young women between the ages of 11 and 25 to protect them against the virus that causes cervical cancer and genital herpes. Check with your insurance provider to see if the cost of this vaccine is covered.
- ZOSTIVAX®: shingles vaccine. While this is recommended for patients over the age of 65, it can be given to any adult patient who desires to be protected against shingles. It is covered by some insurance policies and by Medicare Part D.
Protection for Traveling Abroad
If you are planning to travel abroad, especially to developing countries, it is advisable to get specific travel immunizations before you leave to protect you from serious illnesses that may not be common in the U.S. You may need certain vaccinations 4-6 weeks prior to your trip, so plan ahead. Even if you are diligent about getting your routine adult vaccinations, you may need additional protection for diseases such as yellow fever, hepatitis A or B, typhoid, rabies, etc.
The right vaccine will also depend on the type of trip you are planning. If you are going to spend a lot of time in rural areas on your trip, you may need more protection than someone else who is planning to stay in a luxury resort hotel. Share your complete itinerary with our doctors so we will know the right types of immunizations to recommend for your trip.
To schedule a physical or annual exam for you or a family member, please contact us at (864) 574-0070 or click here to request an appointment online.